NURE students took part in Algorithmic Leo Camp 2022


Students of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics took part in the Second International School on Programming Algorithmic Leo Camp 2022. The event took place from August, 1 till August, 6 on the base of the Lviv Polytechnic.
As a result, the [KhNURE] team \_(-_-(-_-)-_-)_/¯ consisting of Valerii Grinenko (ITShiz-21-1), Andriy Voronoy (ITShIz-21-1), Ivan Logvin (PZPI-19-3) took the 4th place and the [KhNURE] Energy is not over composed of Matvey Aslandukov (SSHIM-20-2) and Igor Barenblat (ITINF-19-1) won silver.

NURE students took part in Algorithmic Leo Camp 2022