NURE students became winners of the thematic poster contest for the World Campaign “16 Days Against Violence”


Congratulations to the students of the Faculty of Computer Science Veronika Ippolitova and Ivanna Malykhina with the victory!

The students became the winners of the competition of thematic posters for the World Campaign “16 Days Against Violence”. The competition was held by the Coalition “Kharkiv_1325”, coordinated by the Public Association “Center for Gender Culture”, with the support of the Department of Science and Education of KhRMA.

In total, 130 creative solutions from 9 universities were submitted to the jury, which included representatives of public and public sector organizations. As a result of the evaluation on December 10, only 10 winners were selected and awarded with the Coalition’s awards, whose works most closely meet the criteria of the competition.

The participation of our applicants in competitions dedicated to gender equality allows us to say with confidence that the university policy, which is implemented both within the framework of the profile educational components of educational programs, and extracurricular work by the social and psychological service, the departments of philosophy, Ukrainian studies, has significant results in achieving the main provisions of the fifth goal of the key areas of development of countries, adopted at the UN Summit on Sustainable Development (Sustainable Development Goals) – gender equality.

We congratulate the winners on their high achievement, and wish them not to stop there, because a developed country is built by civilized youth.

NURE students became winners of the thematic poster contest for the World Campaign “16 Days Against Violence”