NURE student took part in checkers-64 competitions


Vira Popruga, a student of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, took part in the European Youth Checkers Championship 64 and the Women’s Checkers World Cup, which took place from April 25 to May 4 in Kusadasi, Turkey. According to the results of competitions, which were held among young people in six age categories, the athlete won two awards: a silver medal – in competitions among students (following the results of the tournament in the classical game); bronze medal – following the results of the tournament on the fast game. At the stage of the World Cup among adults, in a mixed tournament in lightning, which was attended by 28 athletes, including 5 international grandmasters and 6 international masters, Vera Popruga took 4th place among women.
In checkers Vira Popruga is:
– three-time world champion among young people;
– winner of the Cup of Ukraine among women;
– multiple champion of Ukraine in different age groups;
– the youngest master of sports of Ukraine among women;
– winner of the most prestigious award “Miracle Child” in the category “The smartest”.