NURE programmers became winners of the Kharkiv University of Programming Cup


Kharkiv IT Cluster thanked Rector Valerii Sements for the active participation of NURE students in the project “University Cup in Programming”, which took place from January 17 to February 13, 2022.
The University Cup is a city initiative of the Q-BIT Youth Research Society and the Kharkiv Information Technology Cluster, supported by Near. The University Cup is, first of all, a “flashmob” on programming for Kharkiv students. The primary task of the Cup is to promote Kharkiv as the most powerful location in Ukraine for the training and development of technology business. The University Cup is an individual competition. Each student should strive to show the maximum result and demonstrate their skills in developing simple algorithms and their programming.

In total, more than 330 students of 1-5 courses of universities of KhNU named after V.N. Karazin, NURE, KhNEU   named after   S.Kuznets, NTU “KhPI,” NAU   named after  .E. Zhukovsky “KhAI.” Participants were invited to solve 10 problems in 3 hours. The evaluation was carried out both in the personal ranking between individual students and in the team. The rating of faculties of all universities of Kharkiv, rating of specialities, rating of courses was determined separately.
The best results from our university were shown by students of Voronoi Andrey, Kupriyanov Mikhail, Logvin Ivan, who solved all the problems for the maximum score and scored 1000 points in the end.
Results by universities (for the maximum possible value of 79 points):
NURE – 31.621 points (67 participants);
KhNEU   named after  S.Kuznets – 30.303 (114 participants);
NAU  named after  E. Zhukovsky “KhAI” – 27.866 (50 participants);
KhNU  named after  V.N. Karazina – 24.758 (41 participants);
NTU “KhPI” – 22.854 (45 participants).
6 faculties took part from our university: Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Management, Information and Analytical Technologies and Management, Automation and Computerized Technologies, Infocommunications, Information Radio Technologies and Technical Information Protection. The Faculty of Computer Science is an unconditional leader by the Hirsch criterion. This is due to the fact that it is in this unit that a large number of departments are located, which consider the formation of practical programming skills – one of the key aspects in the training of IT specialists.
Results by faculties (for the maximum possible value of 25 points):
Faculty of Computer Science – 13.294 (47 participants);
Faculty of Computer Engineering and Management – 5.230 (10 participants);
Faculty of Information and Analytical Technologies and Management – 2.950 (4 participants);
Faculty of Automation and Computerized Technologies – 1.795 (2 participants);
Faculty of Infocommunications – 0.811 (1 participant);
Faculty of Information Radio Technologies and Technical Information Protection – 0.751 (1 participant).
According to the specialities in NURE, points were distributed among six IT specialities. The speciality “121 Software Engineering” became the best in terms of quality. The best course in terms of indicators – became the 1st year, and especially – the 1st year of the faculty of CEM. Best students:

Kyslyi Bohdan Ivanovich, 1st year of the ACT faculty
Kornienko Oleksiy Vitaliyovych, 1st year of AKT faculty
Nguyen Ming Wu, 2nd year of CEM faculty;
Panteley Dmytro, 1st year of the faculty of CEM;
Grishin Mykola Mykolayovych, 1st year of the faculty of CEM;
Voronoi Andriy Stanislavovich, 1st year of CS faculty;
Kupriyanov Mikhail Aleksandrovich, 3rd year of CS faculty;
Logvin Ivan, 3rd year of CS faculty;
Riabtsev Denis Aleksandrovich, 2nd year of the faculty of CS;
Mikitchuk Vladislav Mikhailovich, 2nd year of the faculty of ITM;
Mamonov Georgiy Semenovich, 1st year of the faculty of ITM;
Golubovich Evgeniy Dmitrievich, 1st year of the faculty of ITM.

Congratulations to the winners with high results!