NURE in Transparent Ranking


The new 17th edition of the  Transparent Ranking: Top Universities by Citations in Top Google Scholar profiles from the Spanish laboratory Cybermetrics.

In the world ranking, NURE took 1841st place with a total number of citations of 78924. NURE was ranked 12th out of Ukrainian universities and 2nd among Kharkiv universities.

The presence of profiles of scientists and their citations in Google Scholar is an indicator of the web presence and openness of the university.  The place will be used as the Transparent (Openness) indicator of the next edition of the Ranking Web of Universities scheduled for the last week of January 2024.

To calculate the ranking, citations are collected from the top 310 profiles of researchers at each university.  Only profiles in the institutional domain are used for the analysis. This number of profiles is intended for comparison regardless of the size of the university.  The first twenty profiles are excluded from the list to improve representativeness. Data collection for this edition took place from 1 to 20 January 2024.

NURE in Transparent Ranking

NURE in Transparent Ranking