NURE hosted a working meeting on the calculation of key performance indicators of the departments for 2021


On January 27, 2021, under the chairmanship of Rector Valery Semenets, a working meeting was held on the calculation of key performance indicators (KPI) of the departments for 2021.

Rector of NURE prof.  V.V.  Semenets announced the distribution of funds to finance the departments of the University in 2021 under the KPI system.

Funds under the KPI system will be distributed depending on the indicators of the scale of educational activities of the department (taking into account the contingent of students), publishing activity of full-time research and teaching staff (scientometric indicators from scientometric databases Scopus and WoS), the amount of funding for scientific activities, funds of customers, scientific services, scholarships of the Cabinet of Ministers, etc.), the amount of income to the special fund (income from persons studying on a contract basis) and the efficiency of the use of the area of the departments.

Scientific adviser of CIST prof.  V.O.  Filatov made a proposal: given the crucial importance of scientometric indicators in the promotion of KNURE in the world rankings of universities, to expand the number of indicators relating to publishing activity. In subsequent KPI calculations, take into account not only the number of articles and citations, but also the international collaboration and citations of one article. Also, according to the decision of the Academic Council, the coefficient of efficiency of using the area of the department’s premises was added to the list of indicators.

V.O.  Filatov proposed to analyze the system of key indicators and approve the initial data for the calculation of funding for departments in 2021.

The meeting decided to recommend to the Academic Council to approve the list of key performance indicators (KPI) for the calculation of funding for departments in 2021.

NURE hosted a working meeting on the calculation of key performance indicators of the departments for 2021