NURE has retained its position in Impact Rankings 2022


The British edition Times Higher Education has published the University Impact Rankings 2022, which aims to analyze the impact of higher education on societal development and the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The ranking takes into account the achievements of universities in each of the 17 goals, and also forms a general list of University Impact Rankings.

According to the results of the ranking the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics has kept its place in the group 1001+ among 1406 universities from 106 countries which have been audited by THE. The total number of points received by NURE increased to 45.8 compared to 35.3 last year.
THE University Impact Rankings methodology is based on an analysis of universities’ activities in achieving the SDGs, namely: research on the SDGs (source Elsevier, only publications related to its achievement are analyzed for each SDG); socially oriented programs, university impact on society, resource management, partnerships, etc. These initiatives, practices and best practices require validation and are evaluated according to certain criteria.
For the individual SDGs, NURE ranked in the range of:
3 Strong health and well-being   801-1000
4 Quality education   801-1000
5 Gender equality   601-800
8 Decent work and economic growth  801+
9 Innovation & Infrastructure   401-600
10 Reduced inequalities   301-400
16 Peace, justice and strong institutions   401-600
17 Partnerships for the Goals  601-800
A total of 26 Ukrainian universities were included in the ranking, compared to 15 in 2021.
As organizers note, impact rankings are very dynamic as more and more universities demonstrate their efforts in achieving the SDGs by introducing clear new policies or providing more open evidence of their progress. Therefore, they expect and welcome changes in the rankings and do not recommend year-to-year comparisons.
Full results of THE University Impact Rankings 2022 at:!/page/0/length/25/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/undefined
NURE has retained its position in Impact Rankings 2022