NURE Gender Center took part in the EuroGender event


At the EuroGender Team invitation, NURE Gender Center took part in a research roundtable  «Ukraine’s gender scorecard: Key gaps and ways to address them».

This research roundtable addresses how women can take more of a leading role in making Ukraine a prosperous and peaceful country.

Progress towards gender equality is a key marker of democratic transition. Since its independence, Ukrainian civil society has sought to strengthen the voices and capacities of groups pushing for equality and inclusion.

But Kyiv has a mixed track record on promoting gender balance in politics, ensuring economic empowerment, and protecting health and safety in family life. While economic inclusion is improving, the World Economic Forum’s Gender Gap Report 2021  ranks Ukraine 103rd in terms of political empowerment for women.

The speakers describe ways that the state and civil society currently addresses gender inclusion and discuss how empowering women can be achieved to increase the chance of success for Ukraine’s reforms.

NURE Gender Center took part in the EuroGender event