NURE continues cooperation with the Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy


Within the Agreement on scientific and technical cooperation between NURE and Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy, scientific researches of new methods and ways of human diagnostics, development of modern medical equipment are conducted.
Research results were presented at the International Scientific-practical conference “Biological, medical and scientific-pedagogical aspects of human health”, held on October 22-23, 2020 in Poltava.
The results of scientific research discussed at the conference will be the basis for successful economic, social and cultural-educational development of the country, and scientific research will contribute to domestic medicine and biological science development and modernization.

A report “Possibilities processing system information of a human body energy processes at objective clinical inspection of patients therapeutic profile” was presented at the conference.
The purpose of research is to substantiate the conceptual system of views on the importance of internal electromagnetic fields and improve their research methodology.

NURE continues cooperation with the Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy