Joint project between the Novovodolazhskaya sanatorium school and NURE on distance learning


For the ninth year, a joint project on distance learning is being implemented at the Municipal Institution “Novodolazhskaya Sanatorium School” of the Kharkiv Regional Council.  This project was created for schoolchildren from orphanages and children deprived of parental care, with organizational and financial support from «AHMAD TEA – LONDON».  Today, distance learning courses are taught in high school in two subjects: Ukrainian language and mathematics.  Starting in the 2019/2020 academic year, distance learning courses have been introduced for intermediate level schoolchildren: English in grades 5 and 6 and computer science for schoolchildren in grades 6 and 7.  Distance learning courses are provided free of charge to all children regardless of their social status.

Distance learning technology involves classroom instruction (1 hour per week due to hours of the variable component of the curriculum for the 2019/2020 academic year) and independent tutor work (at least 4 hours per week).


Joint project between the Novovodolazhskaya sanatorium school  and NURE on distance learning