From August 12 to August 23, 2024, the trade union organization of KhNURE held a competition “SMILE!” dedicated to the 370th anniversary of our hometown



A smile brightens up the world. In these difficult times, it is worth supporting each other with a kind smile to give a good mood for at least a few minutes. Therefore, in August, the trade union organization of NURE and Larysa Mishina, who is responsible for working with children, held a photo contest “SMILE!”.
The committee of the trade union organization of NURE sincerely thanks all the employees, their children and grandchildren who took part in the competition, and all those who, despite the difficult times for the country and our hometown, found the strength to smile and give people a piece of their kind soul.
We are confident that everyone who looks at these bright faces will smile too, feel a little warmer in their hearts, forget about their troubles and tune in to the positive. We think you will agree with us that it was simply impossible to choose the winner of the best smile, because they are all charming. Therefore, all contestants will receive awards.
We wish health, patience and well-being to the employees of NURE and their families – sincere Kharkiv citizens – with the hope of peace and prosperity in our best city in the world.