Entrant portal from Kharkiv IT Cluster


NURE partner Kharkiv IT Cluster has developed a digital assistant for university entrants who are looking for the best IT education institution. Portal for applicants tells about the highest rated educational institutions.
The Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics is one of the best universities which provides high quality training of IT-specialists.
Page of NURE on the portal.
On the portal there is a full list of IT professions where you can see the ratio of the specific IT profession to IT specialities of the Kharkiv institutions of higher education. There is a list of specialities, as much as possible covering the peculiarities and nuances of the profession. For each speciality there is a comparison of educational programs on the entry point of the last year, the prices for the contract form of education. The Useful Information section specifies the formula for calculating the admission score, coefficients, bonuses, and quotas.
Also added are all the current changes for the 2022 admission campaign, a calendar of important events, and an online assistant.

Choose your future with First Among the Best!

Entrant portal from Kharkiv IT Cluster