Energy management system implemented at NURE


According to the Rector’s Order № 227 of 06.08.2024 “On the implementation energy management system at Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics”, a number of documents were adopted that define and specify the Energy Policy.

In particular, in accordance with the requirements of Article 12 of the Law of Ukraine “On Energy Efficiency”, the Procedure for Implementing the Energy Management System, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 23.12.2021 No. 1460, comprehensive long-term energy saving programmes in  NURE student dormitories and educational buildings, NURE Environmental Policy, NURE Sustainable Development Strategy, taking into account the positive experience of participation in UNITE! Erasmus+ project “Green Transformation in Ukrainian Universities” to improve energy efficiency and rational use of all types of energy resources at NURE, the responsible persons for energy management were identified, the Declaration of Energy Policy and the Action Plan of the Energy Management System of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics for the period 2024-2027 were adopted.
The Declaration is the main University document of energy management, which defines a long-term plan of actions and measures for economical consumption, increasing the level of efficiency of all types of energy resources and reducing the state budget expenditures for energy. Its purpose is to ensure coordinated actions to achieve the University’s Sustainable Development Goals, energy management, environmental policy and green transformation.
The Energy Management Plan includes specific measures for the implementation of alternative and hybrid energy supply systems, energy supply systems that combine several sources of alternative energy (solar panels, heat pumps), and the integration of these systems with the existing energy networks of NURE.
Order On Implementation an Energy Management System Energy Declaration Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Energy management plan for the 2024-2027