Distance Learning in Nure During the Quarantine Period


Due to the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, on March 11, 2020, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decided to introduce quarantine for all types of educational institutions. On the implementation of the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 11.03.2020, NURE also declared a quarantine.

Residents of dormitories, if possible, are recommended to return home, and it is also prohibited to hold mass events of an educational, scientific, social, sporting, cultural and entertainment nature.


The quarantine will last until April 24, 2020. The terms of quarantine may vary depending on the epidemiological situation in Ukraine.


Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics believes a quality education is a priority and CSF continues the educational process in the conditions of the quarantine. The University has directed all its efforts on the establishment and support of educational process using distance learning technologies (DL). To do this, students and teachers of the University offered several tools.


NURE has been using the Moodle platform for many years (a modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment), which has become more than relevant today.


Google Suite for Education services allow you to quickly organize the educational process using ClassRoom and Hangouts Meet. Google has created a distributed system of support and training for users of its services. In addition, Google services are closely integrated with the remote learning management system (LMS Moodle).


NURE also joined the “Coursera Coronavirus Response Initiative” program and has the ability to provide students and staff with free access to Coursera training courses.


NURE DL service http://dl.nure.ua/ created on the Moodle platform, administruyatsya and accompanied by the center for distance learning technologies https://nure.ua/branch/tsentr-tehnologiy-distantsiynogo-navchannya, which was established at the University in 2001.


Moodle functionality allows you to organize adaptive training. It can be used for independent training, for distance learning, certification and retraining of specialists, for organizing life-long education, and so on. During the course, the teacher can observe not only the progress of students, but also how they are doing with their competencies.


To ensure days and functioning of all information services at the organization of educational process at the UNIVERSITY uses a unified system create and maintain user accounts information systems schools with the support of e-mail addresses in the domain nure.ua for all participants of educational process (students, teachers, employees). Currently, more than 10,000 University user accounts are active. More than 1300 distance courses have been created according to the schedule of classes. NURE DL service is used by 5111 students and 587 teachers (information is current as of March 29, 2020).


Today, Google Suite for Education offers a full range of all available services for free. The list of the most popular ones includes Google Drive, Calendar, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Mail, Search, and YouTube. Full integration of services creates a unique ecosystem and a single storage of documents and files, which has no restrictions.


In addition to the main services, Google offers a number of equally important services that improve the quality of collaboration: Google Groups, G+, Hangouts, Contacts, Forms, and Sites.

Distance Learning in Nure During the Quarantine Period