Educational and scientific laboratory “Systems Modeling” was created on the basis of order of KhIRE in 1967.
The main directions of research
- research and development of construction principles and design methods of distributed information processing systems;
- application of modern information technologies for the study of complex systems;
- study of the efficiency and productivity of computing systems based on virtualization technologies;
- development of simulation modeling methods, mathematical models and methods of structural and topological synthesis of territorially distributed objects;
- development of methods and means of structural design, methods of visualization of the studied systems.
The main functions of the laboratory
- organization of scientific research and scientific and methodological work of professors and teaching staff, master’s and postgraduate students of the department in the relevant areas;
- development of student scientific work, preparation of joint scientific publications, reports, exhibits for exhibitions;
- scientific and technical cooperation of the department with enterprises, institutions in the field of information technologies and computerized management and automation systems;
- organization of internships for employees of third-party organizations and research practice of masters;
- introduction of innovative technologies of student education, development of students’ creative initiative, their involvement in the scientific work of the department;
- analysis and theoretical generalization of scientific data, results of experiments and modeling;
- organization and holding, including, jointly with other departments of the university and third-party organizations, seminars, webinars, scientific-practical and online conferences, round tables.
Connection with the educational process
On the basis of the laboratory, all types of educational classes of students are held under the educational programs “System design”, “Information technology design “, “Computer science and technology” of specialty 122 Computer science.
The scientific student group “Development of tools for visual design” works on the basis of the laboratory. Head – Professor of the department Valerii Ivanov
The main results of the activity
- Technologies for creating virtual and augmented reality [Electronic resource]: training. manual / I.V.Grebennik, E.V.Gubarenko, M.S.Gubarenko; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, KNURE. Electronic edition. Kharkiv : KNURE, 2022. 11 Mb. ISBN 978-966-659-342-2.
- Clarion, J. François, I. Grebennik and R. Dupas, “Comparison of Three Reconfiguration Levers to Optimize a Reconfigurable Production Workshop,” 2023 9th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), Rome, Italy, 2023, pp. 1465-1470, doi: 10.1109/CoDIT58514.2023.10284112.
- Bezkorovainy V.V., Nefyodov L.I., Ruskin V.M. Mathematical model of structural and topological optimization of logistics networks. Bulletin of the Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University, 2021. Issue 95. (In Ukrainian).
- Pankratov, V. Komyak, K. Kyazim, V.V. Komyak, O. Tarasenko, O. Antoshkin, I. Mishcheriakov, M. Dolhodush. Building a model and an algorithm for modeling the movement of people carrying goods when they are evacuated from premises. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2021, Vol. 3 No. 4 (111). pp. 43-50.
- Bezkorovainy V.V., Kolesnyk L.V. Mathematical model of the multi-criteria problem of reengineering physical structures of distributed databases. International science and practice conf. “Mathematical modeling of processes in the economy and management of projects and programs”, Coll. works – Kharkiv: KhNURE, 2021. – P. 44-47. (In Ukrainian).
- Nikolaev, O. Khriapkin, M. Kaliuzhnyi, V. Kolisnyk. The Computer Modeling of Aircraft Recognition by the Onboard Radiating Signal Features Based on the Similarity Indices Calculation Algorithm. 2020 IEEE Ukrainian Microwave Week (UkrMW) 21-25 Sept. 2020 Kharkiv, Ukraine INSPEC Accession Number: 20192485 DOI: 10.1109/UkrMW49653.2020.9252602.