Educational-Scientific Laboratory Of System Design

Educational-Scientific Laboratory Of System Design

The Educational and Scientific Laboratory of System Design was established on the basis of order of KhNURE No. 359 of December 18, 2013.

The main directions of research

  • research and design of complex, highly loaded distributed information processing systems, structural design methods and tools;
  • analysis and research of methods of processing large volumes of data;
  • research of efficiency and productivity of distributed, parallel computing systems;
  • research and development of construction principles and design methods of highly loaded, parallel distributed information processing systems;
  • research and development of principles of interaction of components of distributed, parallel systems;
  • features of the use of GRID technologies in the educational process.

The main functions of the laboratory

  • organization and conduct of scientific research, performance of research works by employees, master’s students and postgraduate students of the department;
  • provision of internships for employees of other organizations, as well as research practice of masters;
  • organizing and conducting, including jointly with other units of the university and third-party organizations, seminars, webinars, scientific and practical and online conferences, round tables;
  • the development of creative initiative and innovative activity of students, their involvement in the scientific work of the department.

Connection with the educational process

On the basis of the laboratory, laboratory and practical classes of students in the educational programs “System design”, “Information technology design”, “Computer science and technology” of the specialty 122 Computer science are held.

On the basis of the laboratory there is a scientific student group “Development of algorithms and software for solving problems of structural synthesis and analysis of territorially distributed systems”, head – Ph.D., Prof. V. Bezkorovainy.

The main results of the activity

  1. І. Grebennik, Т. Romanova, I. Urniaieva, V. Dubinsky, N. Kalaida. Optimization of balanced and cluster layout and loading of containers: monograph. – Kyiv: Naukova dumka, 2022. – 216 p. – ISBN 978-966-00-1834-1. (In Ukrainian).
  2. Avramov K., Grebennik I. Nonlinear modal analysis of multi-walled nanotube oscillations using nonlocal anisotropic elastic shell model. Nonlinear Dyn (2023).
  3. Hovderchak O.P., Sytnikova P.E. Aws step functions as an integral component of system architecture with sequential execution of serverless functions // ACS and automation devices. – 2021. – Vol. 177. – P. 17-22. (In Ukrainian).
  4. І. Grebennik, N. Kalaida, I. Urniaieva Optimization of the sequence of movement of containers during railway terminal maintenance. // Proc. VI International science and technology conf. “Printing, multimedia and web technologies” (PMW-2021). May 18-22 2021 – Kharkiv, p. 53-54.
  5. Ivantsov A.S., Petrova R.V. Development of a MIDI controller for a music sequencer. // Proc. The 4th Intern. Scientif. and pract. conf. Priority directions of science and technology development // SPC «», Kyiv, Ukraine. 2020, p. 486-490. URL:
  6. Bilova T.G., Dyomina V.M., Pobizhenko I.O. Composite design and restructuring of the global scheme of the multidatabase // ACS and automation devices. 2021. Issue No. 177. P. 64–68. (In Ukrainian).
Iurii Mishcheriakov


Iurii Mishcheriakov

Professor of System Engineering Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


Building «G»,

room. No. 389

+38 (057) 702-16-73

Lab Site