Educational Scientific Laboratory “Big Data Based Decision Making In Organizational Systems”

Навчально-наукова лабораторія “Прийняття рішень на базі великих даних в організаційних системах”

Educational scientific laboratory «Big data based decision making in organizational systems» was established on the basis of Order of KhNURE No. 106 of February 22, 2018.

The main directions of research

  • research and development of construction principles and design methods of decision support systems based on big data, in conditions of uncertainty and multicriteria;
  • development of modern information technologies for designing complex systems based on platforms and cloud computing technologies and big data processing technologies;
  • study of the efficiency and productivity of computing systems based on virtualization technologies;
  • research and development of methods and tools for automated management of the behavior of social groups in organizational systems;
  • development of information technologies in geometric design tasks;
  • improvement of the methodology of system analysis and design of modern computerized business systems.

The main functions of the laboratory

  • organization, coordination and conducting of scientific research on the relevant topic, pooling of intellectual, financial and material and technical resources during the performance of scientific research;
  • introduction of the results of scientific research into production and the educational process;
  • participation in the international cooperation of the department, cooperation with domestic and foreign educational, scientific institutions and institutions of the corresponding focus;
  • introduction of innovative technologies of practical training of students, development of students’ creative initiative, their involvement in the scientific work of the department;
  • organization on the basis of the educational and scientific laboratory of scientific research of masters and postgraduate students of the department;
  • participation in the development and implementation of industry, regional innovative projects and programs with the aim of introducing modern technologies, processes and products.

Connection with the educational process

On the basis of the laboratory, laboratory and practical classes of students in the educational programs “System design”, “Information technology design”, “Computer science and technology” of the specialty 122 Computer science are held.

The scientific student group “Designing learning systems” works on the basis of the laboratory. Head – Professor of System Engineering Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Iurii Mishcheriakov.

The main results of the activity

  1. Sitnikov, P. Sytnikova, A. Kovalenko. Methods of Eliminating Features from Linguistic Equations. Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems conf. CoLInS 2021/ : CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Видання Scopus. 2021, Vol-2870, pp. 877-889;
  2. Т. Romanova, І. Grebennik, S. Shekhovtsov Geometric design problems. Applications: Tutorial / [Electronic resource]. – Kharkiv: KhNURE, 2024. – 71 p.
  3. Grebennik, O. Chorna, I. Urniaieva. Visualizing Feasible Regions for Optimization Problems on High-Dimensional Permutations using Dimensionality Reduction Methods. // 13th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT), Wrocław, Poland, 2023, pp. 126-130, doi: 10.1109/ACIT58437.2023.10275497.
  4. Miroshnychenko N.S., Novytskyi O.S., Perova I.H. Review of approaches to diagnosing post-traumatic stress disorders. Intelligent decision-making systems and problems of computational intelligence. Coll. of science works, Kherson. – 2021, с. 61-62;
  5. International project Erasmus+ «598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP, Digital competence framework for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens, dComFra», 2019 – 2022 рр.;
  6. Participation of the professor of the department Nechiporenko A.S. as an authorized representative of KhNURE (collective member “P-Member”), in the work of the Technical Standardization Committee TC 166 “Clinical laboratory research and systems for in vitro diagnostics” as part of ISO/TC 276 “Biotechnology”, Order of the national standardization body of SE “UkrNDNC” dated 04.20.18 No. 106;
  7. Agreement on cooperation with the PRC within the framework of the Memorandum between the Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE) and KhNURE for the purpose of promoting cooperation between the Parties in the field of cloud computing and big data technologies (Cloud Computing & Big Data), February 2018. Deployment according to the Agreement on Cooperation from the People’s Republic of China computing cluster of high-performance distributed computing for testing work with BigDataMining;
  8. Agreement on cooperation and organization of mutual relations between KhNURE and KhMAPE on scientific, technical, educational and production activities dated March 15, 2016, approved by the rectors of KhMAPE and KhNURE.
Nadiia Kalyta

Scientific supervisor

Nadiia Kalyta

Professor of System Engineering Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


Building “A”,

room № 265

Tel. +38 (057) 702-10-06

Lab site