Educational scientific laboratory «Digital Technologies» of Systems Engineering Department was established on the basis of Order of KhNURE No. 52 of February 02, 2021.
The main directions of research
- development of information technologies in the field of education, economy and digital services;
- research on the effectiveness of using digital information tools, technologies and methods in teaching;
- research on the effectiveness of the use of digital technologies in the field of development of digital competences of teachers and other citizens of Ukraine;
- studying the experience of leading research institutions and educational institutions in the field of development and application of digital technologies.
The main functions of the laboratory
- organization and conduct of scientific research in accordance with the thematic plan;
- introduction of innovative technologies for practical training of higher education students, development of creative initiative and their involvement in the scientific work of the department;
- increasing the effectiveness of the training of scientific and pedagogical workers of the department, students of higher education, post-graduate students and doctoral students of the department and the university;
- organization of scientific research of higher education students (master’s students, post-graduate students and doctoral students) of the department;
- participation in international scientific, technical and educational cooperation with partner universities of KhNURE, companies, foundations, and private individuals;
- provision of training and information services, organization of internships for employees of third-party organizations and practical training of students of higher education;
- provision of educational institutions and enterprises with advisory and informational assistance on the use of innovative materials and technologies;
- educational, methodical and informational support of the provided services and scientific and technical products of the Laboratory;
- provision of services for the development, implementation, implementation and maintenance of software under contracts between KhNURE and enterprises, organizations.
Connection with the educational process
On the basis of the laboratory, laboratory and practical classes of students in the educational program “Computer science and technology” of the specialty 122 Computer science are held.
The main results of the activity
- Nechyporenko Alina, Marcos-Zambrano Laura Judith, Marcus Frohme at al. A toolbox of machine learning software to support microbiome analysis. // Frontiers in Microbiology, 2023, Volume 14.
- Romanova, A. Grebinyk, A. Pankratov, Y. Stoyan, A. Nechyporenko, Y. Prylutskyy, I. Grebennik, M. Frohme. Modeling and Computer Simulation of Nanocomplexation for Cancer Therapy. In: Marmolejo-Saucedo, J.A., Rodríguez-Aguilar, R., Vasant, P., Litvinchev, I., Retana-Blanco, B.M. (eds) Computer Science and Engineering in Health Services. COMPSE 2022. EAI // Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing. Springer, Cham. pp 257–272.
- A study was conducted within the framework of the project of the international scientific program ERASMUS+ under the direction KA2: Development of the potential of higher education 598236-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP, “Framework of digital competences for Ukrainian teachers and other citizens (dComFra )”, 2019-2023.
- Within the framework of the Partnership Agreement No. 2018–2470/001-001/P11, a draft framework of digital competences for citizens of Ukraine was developed, which became the basis for the work of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine. Employees of the department received the Certificate of Copyright Registration for the scientific work No. 106067 “Digital Competence Needs and EU DigComp Framework: Analysis”.
- The Autumn Science School was held in Kharkiv on September 27-October 2, 2021 within the framework of the DAAD Two German-Ukrainian Summer Schools “Biomedicine Lessons Learned from Nanotechnology and Artificial Intelligence” project dated January 21, 2021 No. 57572182.
- Participation in the Wildau-Kharkiv IT Bridge project from 2022 to the present. url: