Applied metrology and technical expertise laboratory

The main activities of the laboratory

  • carrying out of research works on creation of procedures and software means of estimation of uncertainty of measurements during performance of tests, calibrations and technical examination;
  • conducting training seminars, refresher courses, etc. for employees of measuring, testing and calibration laboratories, metrological centers, research institutes, universities in the field of metrology, measuring equipment and technical expertise;
  • introduction of scientific developments in the field of estimating the uncertainty of measurements in the educational process;
  • preparation and publication of scientific articles, monographs, scientific manuals.

The Educational Process

The laboratory trains specialists in the first (bachelor’s), second (master’s), third (educational-scientific) and scientific levels in the specialty: 152 “Metrology and information-measuring technology”.

Bachelors are trained according to the educational program: “Quality of products, processes and software” (specialty 152 “Metrology and information and measurement technology”);

Training of masters is carried out according to the educational program:  “Standardization, certification, quality (specialty 152” Metrology and information and measurement technology “).

List of disciplines for which classes are held in the laboratory:

  • fundamentals of metrology and measuring technology;
  • theory of measurement uncertainty;
  • theory of assessing the quality of measurements;
  • metrology.

Major scientific achievements

CООМЕТ issue 796UA19_2019 “Development of the Recommendation” Expression of expanded measurement uncertainty (method of kurtosis)”

Research work according to the agreement №20-04 from 10.12.2020.

Scientific publications

  1. Botsiura O.A.Zakharov I.P. Increasing the Reliability of Evaluation of Expanded Uncertainty in Calibration of Measuring Instruments //Measurement Techniques, 2020 Volume: 63, Issue: 6, pp. 414-420. (Scopus, WOS). DOI 10.1007/s11018-020-01803-2.
  2. Zakharov I.P., Botsiura O.A., Patsenko M. Measurement uncertainty evaluation at mass calibration // Ukrainian Metrological Journal, 2020, No 3, 36-41 (WOS). DOI:10.24027/2306-7039.3.2020.216839.
  3. Захаров І.П., Чуніхіна Т.В., Папченко В.Ю., Матвєєва Т.В. Невизначеність вимірювань при виконанні кількісного хімічного аналізу насіння соняшника // Український метрологічний журнал, 2020, №3a, c. 182-185 (WOS). DOI: 24027/2306-7039.3А.2020.220284.
  4. Zakharov I.P., Botsiura O.A., Tsybina I.Yu., Zakharov О.О. Measurement uncertainty evaluation at micrometer calibration // Ukrainian Metrological Journal, 2020, No 3a, 196-201 (WOS). DOI: 10.24027/2306-7039.3А.2020.220313.
  5. Zakharov I., Botsiura O., Semenikhin , Fomenko V. Considering of the input quantities distributions in the procedure for measurements uncertainty evaluating on the example of resistance box calibration // Ukrainian Metrological Journal, 2020, No 4, c. 3-8 (WOS). DOI: 10.24027/2306-7039.4.2020.224189.
  6. Rawashdeh L.A.M., Zakharov I.P., Zaporozhets O.V. Nonlinearity Correction in Dy-namic Measuring Devices Using Neural Network Models // Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka, 2020, №4, pp. 57-60. DOI: 10.14313/PAR_238/57.
  7. Zakharov I., Neyezhmakov P., Botsiura O. Expanded Uncertainty Evaluation Taking into Account the Correlation Between Estimates of Input Quantities // Ukrainian Metrological Journal, 2021, No 1, 4-8. DOI: (WOS).
  8. Zakharov I., Botsyura O., Semenikhin V. Method of kurtosis in estimating the measurement uncertainty during calibration of the electrical resistance measures using a potentiometer // Ukrainian Metrological Journal, 2021, No 2, 30-34. DOI: 0.24027/2306-7039.2.2021.236078 (WOS).
  9. Zakharov I., Botsiura O.A., Semenikhin V.S. Instrumental uncertainties accounting in identification of nonpolynomial calibration dependence // Неопределенность измерений: научные, нормативные, прикладные и методические аспекты. Тезисы докладов XVII Международного научно-технического семинара. 7 сентября 2020 г., Созополь, Болгария, с. 3-4.
  10. Zakharov I.P., Botsiura O.A., Tsybina I.YU, Zakharov О.О. Measurement uncertainty evaluation by kurtosis method at micrometer calibration // Неопределенность измерений: научные, нормативные, прикладные и методические аспекты. Тезисы докладов XVII Международного научно-технического семинара. 7 сентября 2020 г., Созополь, Болгария, с. 19-20.
  11. Захаров І.П., Боцюра О.А., Паценко О.М. Оцінювання невизначеності вимірювань під час калібрування гир // Неопределенность измерений: научные, нормативные, прикладные и методические аспекты. Тезисы докладов XVII Международного научно-технического семинара. 7 сентября 2020 г., Созополь, Болгария, с. 20.
  12. Захаров І.П., Чуніхіна Т.В., Папченко В.Ю., Матвєєва Т.В. Невизначеність вимірювань при виконанні кількісного хімічного аналізу насіння соняшника // Неопределенность измерений: научные, нормативные, прикладные и методические аспекты. Тезисы докладов XVII Международного научно-технического семинара. 7 сентября 2020 г., Созополь, Болгария, с. 20-21.
  13. Zakharov I., Botsiura O. Error vs Uncertainty: mathematical, terminological and conceptual aspects of evaluating the characteristics of measurement accuracy //Metrology and Metrology Assurance (MMA-2020): Proceedings of 2020 XXX International Scientific Symposium, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 7-11 Sept. 2020, pp. 1-5 (Scopus). DOI:10.1109/MMA49863.2020.9254248.
  14. Zakharov I., Serhiienko M., Chunikhina T. Measurement uncertainty evaluation by kurtosis method at calibration of a household water meter // Metrology and Metrology Assurance (MMA-2020): Proceedings of 2020 XXX International Scientific Symposium, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 7-11 Sept. 2020, pp. 83-86. DOI: 10.1109/MMA49863.2020.9254260 (Scopus).
  15. Zakharov I., Neyezhmakov P. The analysis and correction of transfer function of film measuring transducers of the microwave power // Sensor and Measurement Science International (SMSI 2021): Proceedings of 2021 Digital Conference, 3-6 May 2021, pp. 258-259. DOI:5162/SMSI2021/D3.4.
  16. Zakharov I, Neyezhmakov P, Semenikhin V. Identification of Non-Polynomial Calibration Dependence Accounting for Instrumental Uncertainties of Measuring Instruments // Measurement 2021: Proceedings of the 13th International Online Conference on Measurement, May 17-19, 2021, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, pp. 159-162.

Scientific seminars

Igor Zakharov


Igor Zakharov

Head of Information and Measurement Technology Department, член Вченої ради, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


Building “Z”,

3rd floor,

room 19