Scientific and educational laboratory of problem-oriented computing means for obtaining location data from video content

Research directions

  • pattern recognition on digital images;
  • development of the foundation of the theory of construction of algorithms for information processing;
  • development of mathematical models for processing data on video content.

Connection with the educational process

  1. Development of new scientific directions in the field of digital image processing.
  2. Preparation of scientific projects for young scientists of departments.

Main scientific achievements

  • Ruban, I., Bolohova, N., Martovytskyi, V., & Yaroshevych, R. (2021). Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of methods for embedding digital watermarks. Advanced Information Systems, 5(3), 112–118.
  • Oleksandr Makoveichuk, Igor Ruban, Nataliia Bolohova, Andriy Kovalenko, Vitalii Martovytskyi, Tetiana Filimonchuk Development of a Method for Improving Stability Method of Applying Digital Watermarks to Digital Images / Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 3(2 (111), 45–56, 2021. doi:10.15587/1729-4061.2021.235802

Scientific seminars

An international scientific and technical conference “Computer and Information Systems and Technologies” is held on the basis of the laboratory.

Igor Ruban


Igor Ruban

Acting Rector, First Vice-Rector, Head of Academic Council, Head of Admission Board, Deputy Head of EMC, Head of STC, Deputy Chief Editor of «Innovative Technologies and Scientific Solutions for Industries», Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, Professor of the Department EC (part-time), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


Building “G”,

room 504