On April 30 2019, at the permanent Workshop on Sustainable Development Goals, Rector NURE prof. Valery Semenets analyzed the results of the ranking of Ukrainian universities by SciVerse Scopus database.
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics with H-index 29 points ranks 22nd, losing 2 positions compared to 2018. Among Kharkiv universities, NURE ranks 4th after KhhNU V.N. Karazin, NTU “KhPI” and NAU “KhAI”. By the number of works included in the Scopus database, we maintained the 10th position, and by the cites we rose from 17th to 16th place.
In the annual increase in the number of papers, NURE ranks 8th, ahead of some classical universities.
According to basic scientometric indicator – citations per paper – NURE ranks 91st with 2.11 citations per article.
By publication activity (relation number of publications to number of faculty staff) we have a high place among the leaders of the ranking. V. Semenets said that in this year a system of monetary stimulation publication activity will be introduced. This approach for the first time adopted by the Academic Council.
Rector noted that modern trends of education and science show that scientometrics are increasingly influencing the positioning of the university in the system of scientific and educational services and indirectly indicate its high technology and the possibility of providing modern education in demand. Data from Scopus data, among other things, is used world universities rankings: Times Higher Education, QS World University Rankings, SCImago Institutions Rankings, Webometrics Ranking of World Universities. They are the result of systematic work and one of the indicators of sustainable development, which integrates the intellectual potential of university scientific schools and its material and technical base.