IV International Conference-Seminar «Meteors and celestial objects, weather and space: from data and technology to heritage and development» March 30-31, 2021

On March 30-31, 2021, the IV International Conference-Seminar «Meteors and celestial objects, weather and space: from data and technology to heritage and development» (Kashcheev Seminar 2021) was held online at the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics. Scientists, researchers, faculty, students, graduate students, young scientists, professionals and amateurs took part.

Kashcheyev Seminar 2021 is devoted to anniversaries:

  1. 100 years since the birth (March 8, 2020) of Honorary Professor NURE* Kashcheyev B.L. (1920-2004), a famous ukrainian scientist who founded and developed the study of meteors by radar in Ukraine, Kharkiv. The small planet №6811 “Kashcheev” (2000) is named after Kashcheyev.
  2. 80 years since the birth (November 21, 1941) of Honorary Professor of NURE* Voloshchuk Yu.I. (1941-2019), a famous ukrainian scientist who introduced information technology, e-technology and methods of technical cybernetics in the acquisition, processing and interpretation of meteor data. He made a significant contribution to the development of meteor astronomy and the study of small bodies. The small planet №13009 “Voloshchuk” (2002) is named after Voloshchuk.
  3. 50 years since the beginning of meteor research in NURE* (1971).
  4. 90 years (1930-2020) since the founding of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, of which 55 years (1971-2021) NURE* exists as a university of radio electronics. The small planet № 10681 “KHTURE” (Kharkiv Technical University of Radio Electronics) (2001) is named after KHTURE (the name of NURE* University in the period 1993 – 2003).

Web-site: https://kashcheyevseminar.org.ua/en/318-2/

First announcement