Results of the conference

May 21-22, 2019 on the basis of the Department of Information and Communication Engineering named after V.V. Popovsky held the Fifth International Scientific and Technical Conference “Electromagnetic Compatibility Problems of Advanced Wireless Communication Networks” (EMC-2019).

Number of reports submitted: 73

  • from foreign countries: 2 (Iraq, Poland)
  • from Ukraine (KNURE): 27 (21)

Number of reports accepted per conference: 41

Number of reports that were reported at the conference: 29

Total number of conference participants: 53

The conference EMC-2019 was opened by the Head of the Department of Information and Communication Engineering named after V.V. Popovskogo, Professor A.V. Lemeshko, who congratulated the participants and speakers on the beginning of the event, wished fruitful work.

At the beginning of the conference the following plenary reports were heard:

  • Researcher of the problem research laboratory of radio monitoring and processing of radio information (PNIL RMORTI) KNURE Kolesnik V.I. on the topic: “Directions for improving the information and analytical decision support system for the effective management of the national radio frequency resource”;
  • Lead Engineer of Kyivstar PJSC in Kharkiv Zholtikova O.V. on the topic: “Prospects for the development of mobile communication technologies in Ukraine”;
  • Professor of the Department IKI KNURE, Doctor of Technical Sciences Loshakova V.A. on the topic: “A complex of laboratory work on the study of communication systems and radio monitoring based on SDR technology”;
  • Professor of the Department of Computer Radio Engineering and Technical Information Protection Systems of KNURE, Dr. Phys.-Mat. Sciences Luchaninov A.I. on the topic: “A modified Butterworth-Van-Dyke model (MBVD) for analyzing the nonlinear properties of resonators on bulk acoustic waves.”

Scientists joined the discussion and discussions, in particular, the leading engineer of Kyivstar JSC in Kharkiv, Alexey Zholtikov emphasized the current state of implementation of 4G mobile communication equipment in the Kharkiv region, and also noted the prospects for the development of the national operator Kiivstar for the introduction of mobile technologies. 5G connection in Ukraine.

Leading Specialist of the North-Eastern Branch of the Ukrainian State Center of Radio Frequencies, Ph.D., Assoc. Alexander Kolesnikov (Kharkov, Ukraine) noted the importance and relevance of the operational solution of the tasks of radio monitoring of broadband radio electronic means and modern methods for measuring radiation parameters.

Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Radio Engineering and Systems for Technical Information Protection, Ph.D., Assoc. Vasiliy Likhogray expressed proposals regarding the prospects for the use of broadband antennas in a communication system and radio monitoring based on SDR technology, was proposed by prof. Loshakov V.A. as the creation of a complex of laboratory works, and the future cooperation of the departments in the framework of the specified problems.

Scientific supervisor and head of the problem research laboratory of radio monitoring and radio information processing (PNIL RMORTI) Ph.D., senior researcher N.N. Kalyuzhny noted the importance of drawing the attention of government agencies and users of the radio frequency resource (HRD) to the need to update and introduce the information-analytical decision-making system on HRD management developed at KNURE.

Researchers from the departments, divisions, research laboratories of KNURE, students, graduate students, doctoral students of the IKI department took an active part in the discussion of current issues and problems of ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in modern wireless communication networks. V.V. Popovsky and other scientific.

When conducting the results of the conference, it was emphasized that the problem of electromagnetic compatibility is always relevant, because with the increase in the number of radio-electronic means in the world and in Ukraine, this problem becomes more acute and requires new, effective methods of solution.

It was proposed to consider organizing the conference at a high scientific and technical level and to recommend to the organizing committee the subsequent holding of a meeting of the conference “Electromagnetic compatibility problems of promising wireless communication networks” in 2020 in KNURE.