Results of the Third International Scientific and Technical Conference “Computer and Information Systems and Technologies” 2019.
From the 23rd to the 24th of April in the KNURE the Third International Scientific and Technical Conference “Computer and Information Technologies” was held. The organizer of the event is the computer department.
This year’s conference was attended by representatives of 14 Ukraine:
Kharkiv city:
- Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
- National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine
- KNUPS them. I. Kozheduba
- Institute for Legal Personnel Training for the SBU of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Ya Wise
Dnipro city:
- Ukrainian State Chemical Technology University
- Dniprovsky State Design Institute for Housing and Civil Construction Dniprozivilproekt
Kherson city:
- Kherson National Technical University
Kyiv city:
- Institute for NPP Safety Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
- Institute for Information Recording Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
- National Aviation University
Lviv city:
- National University “Lviv Polytechnic”
Cherkasy city:
- Cherkasy State Technological University.
Also guests from Georgia are Tbilisi – Sukhumi State University and Belarus. Minsk – Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics. The conference was attended by Distributed Lab, IFS Ukraine, Chi Software, GlobalLogic.
At the plenary meeting, reports were heard:
Kravchenko Pavel Aleksandrovich (Distributed Lab) “Practice of introduction of decentralized systems on the basis of blockade technology”;
Manulov Vitaliy (IFS Ukraine) “Modern enterprise management systems”;
Chi Software “Modern trends in Computer vision / Machine learning”;
Oguy Alexey (GlobalLogic) “Embedded control systems and their applicability in the modern world”;
Kirill Sergeyevich Cribs (KNURE) “Evolution of Architecture of Crystal Neural Networks in the Problems of the Classification of Images”.
The proceedings of the conference were published in the collection of materials of the 3rd International Conference “Computer and Information Technologies”.
Materials of the Third International Scientific and Technical Conference "Computer and Information Systems and Technologies (CSITIC-2019)"