Collaboration continues with colleagues from the Institute of Scintillation materials of NAS of Ukraine


Co-authored with a group of Vladislav Seminka, head of laboratory of nanostructured organic materials, published article in the first quartile of The Journal of Physical Chemistry.
Mechanism and Dynamics of Fast Redox Cycling in Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles at High Oxidant Concentration “dedicated to studying the mechanisms and dynamics of the action of nanocerium – nanocrystals cerium. As a result of research, a rather unexpected effect was obtained. The decomposition of reactive oxygen species by nanocerium in vibrational mode, which can provide a deeper understanding of redox mechanisms actions of nanoceria in general. The results obtained by the authors indicate the prospects application of nanocrystalline cerium dioxide in biology and medicine due to low toxicity and biological activity antioxidant, which ensures effective removal of active forms to oxygen both in aqueous solutions and in biological systems.
Such cooperation contributes to the expansion of scientific topics of department, increasing publication activity and contributes to sustainable development of the university.

Collaboration continues with colleagues from the Institute of Scintillation materials of NAS of Ukraine