Scientific Information and Analytical Department (SIAD)

Primary function SIAD:

  • formation and analysis Research and development plans, annual and perspective comprehensive plans of NURE scientific activity;
  • analysis, accounting and control over the implementation of research and development work on all types of funding;
  • preparation of estimates (calculations) of costs for the implementation of research and development for all sources of funding, analysis of their receipts, accounting and control over the use of funds in accordance with the approved limits and contracts;
  • administrative support for research units and research teams including interdisciplinary research teams and scientific groups;
  • ensuring the organization of acceptance of works and registration of acts of their readiness, accounting of work performance by departments, as well as by individual tasks;
  • ensuring the organization of internal university competitions of scientific works funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
  • processing, analysis and systematization of the main indicators of research activity of faculties, departments, research units and research teams;
  • preparation of materials and processing of information on the results of NURE research activity for submission to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and other state bodies;
  • ensuring control over the expenditure of the wage fund, compliance with the correctness of the use of forms and systems of remuneration, tariff rates, salaries of employees of the research staff in accordance with the current legislation;
  • preparation of consolidated staffing lists and changes to it in accordance with the estimates approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
  • keeping records of labor and salary indicators, preparation of statistical reports (monthly, quarterly, annual).
Nina Dovgopol


Nina Dovgopol

Associate professor of the Department of Economic Сybernetics and Management of Economic Security Department, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Head of the Scientific Information and Analytical Department (SIAD) of the scientific research unit in KhNURE, PhD, Associate professor


Rooms 519, 513 main building

Tel +38(057)702-14-32