Problem research and development laboratory satellite technologies of navigation and high-precision positioning

Problem research and development laboratory satellite technologies of navigation and high-precision positioning (PRDL STNHP) was created as part of the Research Center of Integrated Information Radioelectronic Systems and Technologies (SRC IIREST) ​​by the order No. 10K, 03/02/2016.

The main goal of the PRDL STNHP is the further development of the scientific and technical potential of the university in the field of satellite technologies and their use in various spheres of social and economic activity and defense of Ukraine.

Research directions

  • Development of new technologies and methods for accurate differential and autonomous position determination based on signals from global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) using observations of a network of base stations;
  • creation of hardware-software means for high-precision positioning;
  • Investigation of the influence of the ionosphere and the troposphere on the passage of GNSS signals;
  • Investigation of the influence of interference on the functioning of radio systems of various purposes based on the use of GNSS signals and methods of their protection;
  • development of satellite technologies in solving applied navigation problems and high-precision positioning of mobile objects, geodesy, cartography, agriculture, social facilities and other areas;
  • development of high-precision multi-position systems of trajectory measurements of aircraft, aviation, rocket and space complexes.

In its work the laboratory maintains scientific contacts with leading scientific organizations and institutions of Ukraine.

Holds international scientific and technical cooperation in the framework of international scientific relations of the University and is involved in the implementation of joint research programs and projects.

It takes an active part in organizing and holding scientific forums, conferences, seminars and conducting thematic exhibitions of scientific and technical developments.

Main scientific achievements

In 2019-2020, participation in the implementation of  research work, code «Vega-VM». Scientific supervisor of research work: Zhalilo A.A.

In 2021-2022, participation in the implementation of section 3 “Development of a phase-Doppler radio-technical system of trajectory measurements for testing high-precision weapons” research work No. 338 “Development of a range instrumentation complex for the precision-guided weapons testing». Scientific supervisor of section 3 of research work: Zhalilo A.A.

In 2021, the thesis of the Gretskiy D. “Development of the theory of wireless power transmission systems.” – Qualifying scientific work as a manuscript. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in specialty 05.12.07 – antennas and devices of microwave technology. – Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkiv, 2021.

Publications for 2020–2021

  • Tevyashev A., Shostko I., Zemlyaniy O., Dokhov А, Zhalilo А. Range Instrumentation Complex for the Precision-Guided Weapons Testing // «Information systems and technologies» IST-2020, Proceedings of the 9-th International Scientific and Technical Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, November 17-20, 2020, Kharkiv, Ukraine, pp. 100–102.
  • Yatskiv Ya., Khoda O., Ishchenko M., Zhalilo O. Research activities of the Main Astronomical Observatory of the NASU in the field of GNSS technology //  Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies, 2021, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 96–105.
  • Жаліло О.О., Дохов О.І., Катюшина О.В., Літус Ю.П.  Порівняння режимів функціонування багатопозиційної фазової системи траєкторних вимірювань// Збірник тез XХІ науково-технічної конференції «Створення та модернізація озброєння і військової техніки в сучасних умовах» ДНВЦ ВС ОВТ ЗСУ, м. Чернігів,  2–3 вересня 2021р.,  С. 98–99.
  • Жаліло О.О., Дохов О.І., Яковченко О.І., Літус Ю.П., Катюшина О.В., Лук’янова О.О., Медведський М.М., Пап В.О. Можливості автономної PPP-навігації навколоземних високодинамічних об’єктів по сигналах ГНСС // Збірник тез XХІ науково-технічної конференції «Створення та модернізація озброєння і військової техніки в сучасних умовах» ДНВЦ ВС ОВТ ЗСУ,  м. Чернігів,  2–3 вересня 2021 р.,  С. 99–101.
Laboratory regulations (09.02.2018)
Alexey A. Zhalilo


Alexey A. Zhalilo

Leading Research Scientist PSRl «Satellite technologies of navigation and high- precision positioning», PhD in Engineering sciences, Senior Research Scientist


room 108

+38 (057) 702-15-32,

+38 (057) 702-16-79