Benchmarking and web management department employees took part in the Teaching Excellence Summit


Teaching Excellence Summit 2021 explore edtech’s role in the curriculum and in measuring the impact of teaching on students’ aptitude for and attitude to learning. As we work through the fourth industrial revolution (4IR), the demand for highly skilled workers rises and this summit address the crucial role that universities and their faculties play in preparing graduates who can answer this need.
Agenda themes:
– Delivering quality education with impact.
– Classroom innovations: teaching in the 4IR.
– Employability and the future of skills.
– Measuring success: the transformative impact of teaching.
THE masterclass “How can data help to understand and shape teaching?” from Duncan Ross, Chief data officer THE, was held as part of the summit.
Benchmarking and web management department employees took part in the Teaching Excellence SummitBenchmarking and web management department employees took part in the Teaching Excellence SummitBenchmarking and web management department employees took part in the Teaching Excellence Summit