Today, effective cooperation with other countries, participation in international trade requires Ukraine confidence in reliable and traceable measurement results, and mutual recognition of the results of product conformity assessment. The emergence of new technologies in various industries provoked the growth of types of measurements and requirements for their accuracy. Metrological activity in the real sector of the economics ensures the creation of such legislative, technical, organizational and regulatory conditions for industry and business to act confidently in the complex and rapidly changing processes of the modern world. The need of metrological activities and metrology experts is enshrined in the laws of Ukraine, which regulate consumer rights protection, metrology and metrological activity, standardization, conformity assessment of products and services.
Graduates of the program “Metrological Assurance of Testing and Product Quality”, have the following competencies:
– the ability to substantiate, establish, implement and control the norms, rules and requirements for the product (service), the technological process of its development, production, use (consumption), transportation and utilization;
– the ability to develop metrological assurance, implementation of metrological control and supervision aimed at maintaining of the measurements uniformity, high quality and safety of products (services), high economic efficiency for producers and consumers;
– the ability to conduct research and develop complex applied problems in the field of metrology and metrological assurance.
Competences obtained allows graduates of the program to work in national bodies of metrology, of standardization, of accreditation, conformity assessment bodies, metrological departments of enterprises, calibration and testing laboratories, bodies of metrological and market supervision, the customs.
Curriculum (EPP, 2019) Educational-Professional Program «Metrological Provision of Tests and Product Quality» (2019) Curriculum (EPP, 2018) Educational-Professional Program «Metrological Provision of Tests and Product Quality» (2018)