С1 Economics and International Economic Relations (by specialisation)

Area: Social Sciences & Management

Subject: Economics and Econometrics

С1 Economics and International Economic Relations (by specialisation)

«I have always argued that the laws of the economy are laws of life»,

Philippe Wykstead (1844-1927), a British economist.

«Technology is just an instrument»,

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft Corp.


A modern economist should not only understand economic processes, but also be able to successfully implement them with the help of modern technologies. Namely: to make business plans of the enterprise development, to have knowledge in the field of project management, to use Internet resources for conducting e-commerce (development and promotion of sites), to apply methods and means of economic security (protection of information at the enterprise), to conduct marketing researches, monitoring and forecasting of social and economic processes, to develop and implement innovative methods in financial and banking activities, to use effective models of management for sub- spare enterprise performance. Thus, a modern economist must be a universal specialist and, thus, increase his competitiveness on the job market.

Educational and professional program “Economic Cybernetics” is a unique combination of economics, business and information technologies, which provides the opportunity to obtain qualitative basic economic training, and information technologies provide special system skills that allow to evaluate, analyze and forecast the activities of economic systems at risk and uncertainty.

The training program consists of blocks:

  1. General Economics Disciplines.
  2. Specialized disciplines in economics and mathematical modeling.
  3. Disciplines in Information Technology.

As a result of training, a graduate will receive skills:

  1. Use analytical and methodological tools to understand the logic of business decision making in the context of the behavior of various economic agents.
  2. Describe the models of socio-economic phenomena in terms of fundamental principles and knowledge based on an understanding of the main areas of economic science development.
  3. Apply relevant economic and mathematical methods and models to solve economic problems.;
  4. Analyze the main features of the modern world and national economy, the institutional structure, directions of the social, economic and foreign economic policy of the state.
  5. Analyze the functioning and development of business entities, define functional areas, and calculate relevant indicators that characterize the performance of their activities.
  6. Analyze the processes of state and market regulation of socio-economic and labor relations. </ li>
  7. Identify sources and understand the methodology of defining and methods for obtaining socio-economic data, collect and analyze necessary information, and calculate economic and social indicators.
  8. Implement a multidisciplinary analysis of the functioning of socio-economic systems.
  9. Use regulatory and legal acts regulating the activities of business entities.
  10. Use information and communication technologies to address socio-economic challenges, prepare and submit analytical reports.
  11. Simulate and refine business processes.
  12. To substantiate managerial decisions on the formation of an enterprise innovation and investment strategy.


  • enterprises of various sectors of the economy;
  • banking institutions;
  • insurance, auditing and consulting companies;
  • authorities;
  • international companies, etc.