The specialty covers the tasks of designing, programming, testing and operation of modern computer-integrated and information systems, namely:
– IT-technologies in high-tech production;
– technologies of software development and Internet technologies;
– Robotics, Mechatronics, CAD / CAM / CAE- and SCADA-Systems;
– automated production control systems and robotic complexes;
– Architecture of industrial controllers and their programming.
Skills and competences that a bachelor’s degree program holds in the System Engineering:
1. Ability to develop and maintain computerized and robotic systems designed to control technological processes, technical objects and business systems;
2. Ability to develop the hardware of computer-integrated systems based on modern microcontrollers;
3. Ability to develop software for automated control systems based on modern information technology, theory of management and decision making, advanced programming technologies and methods of artificial intelligence.
Educational Graduates System Engineering Can Work:
1. Specialist in system engineering, control systems and automation;
2. An analyst of computer and robotic complexes;
3. Programmer of departments of automated systems of management of enterprises and firms (SeniorSoftwareEngineer, QA Engineer, etc.);
4. Administrator of information computer systems and networks (SystemsEngineer / Administrator, etc.);
5. Coordinator and manager of IT projects.
Навчальний план (ОПП, 2025) Освітньо-професійна програма «Системна інженерія» (2025)