Educational Program Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies

Educational program Automation and computer-integrated technologies

Modern Hi-Tech specialty, which combines classical engineering education in the field of automation with in-depth knowledge of computer technologies and special software, namely:

– automation and intelligent computer integrated technologies,

– architecture and programming of industrial controllers,

– 3D- modeling and mechatronics

– software and hardware complexes of automated control systems and technical means of automation

– software development in the field of IndustrialAutomationSystems, Industrial Internet of Things, CALS, business process automation.

Skills and competencies, which will have a bachelor’s degree in the educational program Automation and computer-integrated technologies:

Ability to create and maintain the functioning of automated production process control systems based on the latest microprocessor devices;

Ability to develop software, technical and information support of automated control systems;

Skills in management and design of modern industrial-technological computer systems and networks;

Skills of development of software and software and hardware complexes of wide scope of application;

Skills for planning, optimization and intellectualization of production processes.

Graduates for an educational program Automation and computer-integrated technologies can work:

1. Engineer-programmer of the control system;

2. Technician-programmer (industrial automation)

3. Analyst of software systems and computer-integrated systems;

4. Specialist in computer control systems, automation and processing of information (IndustrialEngineer, Qualityengineer, ProductionPlanner, etc.);

5. Engineer for the organization of the production process

6. Coordinator and manager of Hi-Tech, IT and IIoT projects;

Experts take engineering and technical positions that provide the design and operation of automated production management systems based on the widespread use of computer-integrated technologies.

Навчальний план (ОПП, 2025) Освітньо-професійна програма «Автоматизація та комп'ютерно-інтегровані технології» (2025)