Educational Program Quality Assurance

The master’s educational program “Quality Assurance” is aimed at training a specialist of the highest level in the field of quality assurance of products, processes and software – the main results of each company’s activity. Quality is a decisive criterion for the success, existence, development and international recognition of any company or enterprise. Today, quality management methods are universal and standardized. QA-engineer, Quality Manager are mandatory positions in any company in any country. Therefore, having mastered the educational program “Quality Assurance” you will be able to work in any IT company, production enterprise of both national and international level in the following positions:

  1. Software QA-engineer (software quality engineer) – comprehensively ensures and guarantees the quality of the software product at all stages of its life cycle;
  2. Project manager – is a specialist whose main task is to manage the IT project as a whole: design and prioritization, planning of tasks, control, communications, as well as prompt problem solving;
  3. Project manager is a specialist whose main task is to manage the IT project as a whole: design and prioritization, planning of tasks, control, communications, as well as prompt problem solving;
  4. Product manager (product manager) – is responsible for the creation, introduction to the market and support of a new IT product (product), plans, creates, launches and improves the product;
  5. Process manager – deals with the development, planning and optimization of repetitive operations (business tasks) aimed at the creation and implementation of an IT product, product or service of the organization;
  6. Product QA-engineer – provides testing and quality control of products. Ensures and guarantees product quality compliance with national and international standards;
  7. Quality manager – coordinates the functioning of the company’s quality management system.

As part of the Master’s educational program “Quality Assurance”, students study:

– rules of development, creation and operation of integrated enterprise quality management systems, management of processes in the company;

– modern models of software product quality and its life cycle, learn to design and implement modern quality management systems of IT services;

– modern methods and means of determining product quality indicators, methods of product control and testing;

– modern methods of the measurement quality evaluation at product testing and calibration of measuring instruments.

Our graduates work in leading positions in major IT companies “EPAMSystems”, “GlobalLogic” and others. They are in demand in quality control services of industrial enterprises, in testing and calibration laboratories, expert institutions, and certification centers.