F4 System Analysis and Data Science

Area: Engineering & Technology | Natural Science

Subject: Computer Science & Information Systems | System analysis

Brief description of the specialty System analysis:

Graduates of the specialization “System Analysis and Data Science” are specialists in the development of information technology, information systems and decision support systems. System analysis specialists rely on a set of general scientific, experimental, natural, statistical, and mathematical methods and apply a systematic approach in analyzing and solving problems in complex technical, economic, and environmental systems.

Skills and competencies, which will be held by a graduate in the specialty System Analysis:

  1. Ability to formulate tasks and develop a plan for scientific research in the field of system analysis with the use of information technology;
  2. Ability to carry out systematic and analytical research of objects and systems of natural sciences, technical, economic and social profile in basic basic training; To carry out system mathematical modeling and system optimization of objects on the basis of developed and existing research methods, including standard and specialized application packages;
  3. To develop and use unified software for solving problems of system research and management implementation in complex systems;
  4. Take tactical and strategic decisions based on the results of system analysis of complex objects and systems.