Educational program Economic Cybernetics

Educational program Economic Cybernetics

The duration of undergraduate programs is four years.

Bachelor of Science in Economics. The studied disciplines can be divided into the following groups: courses of humanitarian preparation, general economic preparation, and also special applied disciplines. Courses of humanitarian preparation include Philosophy, Regional Economics, Insurance and Actuarial Accounts, Life Safety. Such courses aim at developing powerful communication skills that enable undergraduates to fill the gap between the everyday life and the university, be more effective in academic and professional situations.

Courses of general economic preparation include History of Economics and Economic Theories, Mathematics for Economists, Databases and Data Storages Management and Design. The courses of this group provide students with knowledge of the basic skills required for studying special applied disciplines. The graduating students of this speciality have fundamental preparation and practical skills for effective work in all economic subsections of enterprises of different ownership forms.

Special applied disciplines include Political Economy, Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, Informatics and Theory of Algorithms, Economic Cybernetics, Decision Support Systems, Modelling of Economics, Information Systems in Economics, Economics of Enterprises, Modelling of Economic Processes, Basics of Accounting, Statistics, Economic Analysis, Management, Marketing, Forecasting of Social and Economic Processes, Operations Research, Labor Economics and Employment Relationship, Computer Technologies in Office Work, Logistics, Riskology, Factor Analysis, International Economics, Ecommerce, Corporate Finance, Banking, Financial Mathematics, Information Business, Monetary Economics, Strategic Management, Financial and Economic Security, Principles of Finance, National economics, Stock Market and Securities, Software Engineering Technology (including Intelligent Systems). Such disciplines provide students with the possibility to obtain skills of general economist, which enable to execute book-keeping, public accounting, financial, bank operations, operations of planning, forecast the market state of affairs on internal and external markets, different skills in IT-technologies as well as practical skills of using them in different economic situations. The courses of this group also provide students with knowledge of mathematical methods and models for solving economic problems.

Industrial internship. In accordance with the Program, all registered students complete a minimum of 135 hours of practical training. The practice takes place in the leading research and educational organizations. Experience Certificate is awarded to successful students.

Preparation and defense of BSc Degree Thesis. The thesis is an independent and individual research into a specific problem in Econometrics, Economic Modeling, Forecasting, Methods of Making Decisions, Methods of Marketing Researches etc.

Employment opportunity: state, joint-stock, private enterprises and companies, business corporations, enterprises of market infrastructure – as marketing specialists, economists, analysts, business leaders. The graduating students of this speciality have skills and abilities in the field of economic analysis, book-keeping and financial accounting, taxation, audit, control and revision not only in the field of industrial production but also in the area of commercial services, in the field of small enterprise.