Another training dedicated to writing Jean Monnet projects took place in NURE


On October 13, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics hosted the fourth training on project applications in the field of Erasmus + Jean Monnet.  The training, due to the deteriorating epidemiological situation caused by the spread of COVID-19, was conducted online.
Oksana Tsukan addressed the participants of the event with a report “EU Digital Single Market: Policy, Integration and Harmonization”. She told about the program and its features, topics of Ukrainian projects and acquainted participants with the correct form of writing and submitting an application for the Erasmus + Jean Monnet project.

It should be mentioned that this series of training is held on the initiative of Rector Valerii Sements and is dedicated to the Erasmus + Days in Ukraine, organized by the Department of Perspective Development.

Another training dedicated to writing Jean Monnet projects took place in NURE