Acceptance for the “BridgeUSA: Exchange Program for Ukrainian Teachers” is extended


Exchange Program for Ukrainian Teachers” has extended the application period until January 21, 2024.
“BridgeUSA: Exchange Program for Ukrainian Educators” will facilitate the development of relationships between Ukrainian and American educators and researchers for the purpose of joint research, exchange of pedagogical experience, development of training courses, and publication of scientific papers. The long-term goal of the Project is to help Ukrainian universities train the specialists critical to the country’s recovery and reconstruction by building strong and productive cooperation with U.S. higher education institutions.
The uniqueness of the BridgeUSA: Exchange Program for Ukrainian Educators” is its focus on the fields that are important for Ukraine’s reconstruction and recovery, namely: agricultural technology, conflict resolution and peace studies, engineering, information technology, mental health, pedagogy, and urban planning (including architecture).
This program may be of interest to NURE faculty in the areas of engineering and information technology.

Detailed information about the Project, terms of participation, selection criteria, as well as the application form and program news can be found on the American Councils website:
and on the program’s social media pages:

Link to the application form for participation in the competition: