Olexiy Fedorov

Olexiy Fedorov
Senior lecturer of the Department of INE
Scopus ID: 56981705200
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Education and Career

In 2002  he graduated from KHNURE graduate specialty “Information Security in Telecommunication Systems” of the Faculty of Telecommunications and Measurement Engineering.

Since 2003 he has been an assistant to the Chair of Communication Networks.

Since 2014 he became a senior lecturer of the Department of Information and Network Engineering.

Educational activity

Teaches courses: discrete mathematics, theory of electrical communication, the basics of computer modeling and design of TCRT facilities, mathematical methods of data analysis, mathematical models of communication networks.

Research activities

Directions of scientific interests: – mathematical modeling; – planning an experiment in the statistical theory of pattern recognition.

01.04.2021 – 29.12.2021  – Part-time Senior Research Fellow of the problem research laboratory “Radio monitoring and processing of radio-technical information” NURE. Orders Rectors NURE №18 KN of 29/03/2021.

International activities / participation in international projects

2017 – Participation in the international mobility program “Erasmus +”

Publications and patents

Has more than 20 publications.