Olesia Olehivna Ivanenko

Olesia Olehivna Ivanenko
Associate Professor of the Department of INE, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Education and Career

2012 – graduated from the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (KNURE) and received a master degree in the field of Information Communication Networks and the qualification of a research assistant (telecommunications).

2012 – post-graduate student of KNURE with day-time form of education.

2012 – Assistant of the Chair “Communication Networks”.

2016r. – PhD, specialty 05.12.02 – “Telecommunication systems and networks”.

2017 р. – Associate Professor of the Chair of Information and Network Engineering.

Educational activity

Conducts practical classes on courses: Local area networks, Routing in communication networks, IP telephony and IPTV.

Research activities

The scientific activity is aimed at the development of the Steganography industry and at the improvement of embedding digital watermarks methods.

Scientific interests: steganography, digital watermarks, communication networks (CN),

system engineering and modern software development methodologies, routing in the CN, Internet of things.

She is engaged in the management and preparation of students for participation in scientific conferences with repeated prize-winning places at the first stage of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in the specialty “Information Communication Networks”.

The results of scientific research are also introduced in the state budget research work No. 276-4 “Technologies for the creation of integrated information systems based on digital mobile communication networks”.

International activities / participation in international projects

Has repeatedly participated in international projects on Youth in Action and Erasmus+ programs as a volunteer, participant and team leader in the EU countries and neighboring partner countries.

Social activities 

Volunteer activity in support of wounded ATO fighters

State Awards

The winner of the competition “KNURE – the best in the specialty” in the 2015/2016 academic year by nomination: Teacher – assistant.

The winner of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in “Telecommunications”, February 2013

The winner of the All-Ukrainian competition of student’s scientific works on “Telecommunications”, March 2012

Publications and patents

The total number of publications is 30 scientific papers.