Viacheslav Riabukha

Viacheslav Riabukha
Chief Researcher of PRL of Radar Observation Systems, Professor at the Media Engineering and Information Radioelectronic Systems Department, Member of Specialized Scientific Council, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Scopus ID: 57210431843
Documents by author:33
Total citations:87
Google Scholar ID: vSZlqCUAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 1978, graduated from the military air defense school.

From 1978 to 2005, military officer in the Armed Forces, in particular, at the Military radio engineering academy of air defense named after L.A. Govorov (Kharkiv).

In 1986, defended Ph.D. degree.

In 1996, associate professor.

In 2007, leading research scientist at the Kharkov national university of radio electronics (KhNURE).

In 2020, defended doctor of technical sciences degree at the KhNURE.

Since 2021, chief research scientist at research laboratory of Radar Surveillance Systems, professor at the media engineering and information radioelectronic systems (MEIRES) Department in the KhNURE.

Researcher activity

Research interests:

  • adaptive space-time signal processing in the presence of interference;
  • radar detection and measurements of signal parameters in the presence of interference at radar systems of various purposes.

Publications and patents

More than 50 publications, 1 patent.