Olena Oleinikova

Olena Oleinikova
Senior lecturer of the Department of Media Engineering and Information Radio Electronic Systems
Google Scholar ID: HVFWtsQAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1985 – graduated from the Kharkov Institute of Radioelectronics (HIRE), majoring in Radio Engineering.

1985 – Engineer of the Department of Radio Engineering (HIRE).

2003 – Assistant Professor of the Department of Radio Engineering (KNURE).

2004 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Radio Engineering (KNURE).

Since 2023, she has been a part-time assistant at the MEIRES Department.

Educational activity

Teaches courses: legal support of information security, introduction to the specialty, the basics of information security, the fundamentals of the theory of circuits.


The author of three publications, including one monograph