Educational program Automation and computer-integrated resource-saving technologies. Alternative energy

Educational program Automation and computer-integrated resource-saving technologies. Alternative energy

The objects of the study and activity of bachelors in automation and computer-integrated resource-saving technologies and alternative energy are technical, software, mathematical, informational and organizational support for automation systems for the collection, transmission and processing of information, as well as management of resource-saving processes and productions. in different branches of industry, agriculture, transport and other objects of automation at different levels of management of them and their integration into organizational and technical no system with the use of modern microprocessor technology, specialized application software and information technology, alternative energy sources.

Methods of training are the training of specialists capable of integrated solutions to the challenges of developing resource-saving new and improving, modernizing and exploiting existing automation systems with the use of modern software- technical means and information technologies, carrying out theoretical researches of the object of automation of the system, justification in the selection of resource-saving technologies and technical means of alternative energy, designing and developing application software for different purposes.

Skills and competences that the bachelor will own in an educational program Automation and computer-integrated resource-saving technologies. Alternative energy:

1. Ability to perform analysis of objects of automation; be able to choose control and control parameters based on technical characteristics, design features and resource-saving modes of equipment operation.

2.Ability to apply methods of the theory of automatic control, system analysis and numerical methods for the development of mathematical models of automated systems for analysis of the quality of their resource-saving functioning using the latest computer technologies.

3.Ability to demonstrate knowledge of methods for identifying objects, constructing their mathematical models and models of control systems, studying mathematical models of control systems and their elements.

4.Ability to apply knowledge of basic principles and methods of measuring physical quantities and basic technological parameters; the principles and types of standard primary converters and their metrological characteristics.

5. Ability to argue the choice of technical means of automation on the basis of analysis of their properties, purpose and technical characteristics, taking into account the requirements of the system and operating conditions; have the skills to set up technical means of automation and resource-saving control systems, including alternative energy.

6. Ability to demonstrate knowledge of the modern level and the latest resource-saving technologies in the field of automation and computer-integrated technologies and alternative energy, in particular, the design of multilevel control systems, data collection and archiving for the formation of the database process parameters and their visualization, as well as the creation of automated work places of the operator on the basis of SCADA-systems.

7. Be able to substantiate the choice of the technical structure and develop application software for resource-saving microprocessor control systems based on local automation tools, industrial logic controllers and programmable logic matrices and signal processors.

8.Ability to participate in the design of automation systems, have basic knowledge of the content and rules of designing the design materials, composition and sequence of execution of design work, taking into account the requirements of the relevant regulatory and legal documents.

9.Ability to demonstrate knowledge and practical skills in programming and use of applied and specialized computer-integrated environments for solving automation tasks.

The graduate of the educational program Automation and computer-integrated resource-saving technologies. Alternative energy can work:

1. Technical specialist in the field of automation;

2. Technician for the automation of production processes;

3. Technician in metrology;

4. Technician of the computing (information and computing) center;

5. Technician-programmer;

6. Technician-operator of electronic equipment.