Lyudmyla Kirichenko

Lyudmyla Kirichenko
Professor of Department of Applied mathematics, Deputy Head of the specialized scientific council, Member of the NURE Alumni Association, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Scopus ID: 47861221700
Documents by author:54
Total citations:618
Google Scholar ID: 9XTJQyUAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1986 – graduated from the Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics, specialty “Applied mathematics”.

2000 – PhD in Technical Sciences, specialty 01.05.02 – Mathematical Modeling and Computational Methods (dissertation was defended at the Kharkov State Technical University of Radio Electronics).

2000 – Assistant at Applied Mathematics Department, Kharkov State Technical University of Radio Electronics.

2001 – Senior Lecturer at Applied Mathematics Department, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.

2002 – Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.

2013 – Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialty 01.05.02 – Mathematical Modeling and Computational methods (dissertation was defended at the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics).

2014 – Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.

2018 – Member of the International Association of Alumni, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.

Educational activity

Teaches courses: Random processes, Chaos theory, Wavelet transforms and their applications, Fundamentals of fractal theory, Forecasting and analysis of time series, Modern methods of data analysis, Stochastic analysis and its applications.

Researcher activity

Deputy Head of the Specialized Scientific Council of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics D 64.052.02.

Member of the Specialized Academic Council of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine D 08.084.01.

2014 – participation in the International academic program of Linneus University (Vakho, Sweden) for the teachers exchange; teaching the course “Fractal Analysis”.

2018 – participation in the International Conference “Radioelektronika 2018” (Prague, Czech Republic).

The participant of the International Scientific Conferences ITA (2013-2018) of the international scientific community ITHEA (Varna, Bulgaria).

Head of the master classes in the International ITHEA community (Varna, Bulgaria).

International activity / participation in international projects

2014 – participation in international academic program of Linneus University (Vakho, Sweden) for the exchange of teachers, reading the course “Fractal Analysis”.

2018 – participation in International Conference “Radioelektronika 2018” (Prague, Czech Republic).

The participant of International Scientific Conferences ITA (2013-2018) of international scientific community ITHEA (Varna, Bulgaria).

Head of master classes in international ITHEA community in (Varna, Bulgaria).

Social activities

Member of ACM and the International Scientific Community ITHEA.

Member of the International Association of Alumni of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.

2012-2014 – head of the scientific society for schoolchildren “Non-standard mathematics, nonconformist thinking”.

2013-2016 – Head of the Scientific Society “Fractals, chaos and wavelets”.

Publications and patents

Has over 200 publications and 1 monograph.