Andriy Yerokhin

Andriy Yerokhin
Dean of Faculty of Computer Science, Deputy Chairman of the Admission Committee, Deputy Head of EMC, Member of the Coordination Council of the NURE Alumni Association, Member of the specialized scientific council, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Scientific Head of Educational and scientific laboratory IHSS
Scopus ID: 57189381444
Documents by author:22
Total citations:47
Google Scholar ID: Dqbw-E0AAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

HEI: Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics, 1983-1988, specialty «Design and manufacturing of radio devices»;

Postgraduate: Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics, 1989-1992. Specialty – 01.04.03 – Radiophysics.
1992 – Candidate of Technical Sciences.

1993 – Senior Researcher,
1994 – Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Software of Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics,
2006 – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, the specialty 05.13.23 – systems and means of artificial intelligence,
2007 – awarded the title of professor,
2008 – professor of the department of computer software, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics,
2012 – rector’s assistant of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics,
2013 – executive secretary of the Admission Board of Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics,
2015 – Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science, Deputy Chairman of NURE Admissions Board.

Educational activity

Teaches courses: Hypertext and Hypermedia, Algorithms and Programming Basics,
Methods and Means of Computer Information Technology, Fundamentals of Scientific Research, Fundamentals of AI.

Research activities

Scientific activity:
Research interests – computation intelligence, identification and visualization of abnormal situations.

A member of the specialized council D 64.052.11.

Member of Program Committee International Conference on ICT in Research, Education and Industrial Applications (ICTERI).

Number of trained scientists: 3 Candidate of Sciences (PhDs), 1 Doctor of Sciences.

International activity / Participation in international projects

Visiting Professor at WSG University (Bydgoszcz, Poland).
Scientific supervisor of international projects under the DAAD, BMBF (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) and Erasmus+ programs.

Social activities

Member Scientific and Methodological Subcommittee of Higher Education Sector of Scientific and Methodological Council Ministry of Education and Science Ukraine in the specialty 122 – Computer Science.

Member of editorial board journal “Automated control systems and automation devices”.

Member of editorial board journal “of Intelligence”.

Member of Coordinating Council  NURE Alumni Association.

Awards and prizes

2008 – graduate X regional competition “Higher school of Kharkiv region – the best names” in the nomination “Scientist”;

2009 – graduate XI regional competition “Higher School of Kharkiv region – the best names” in the nomination “Lecture of fundamental disciplines”, Diploma Kharkiv City Council;

Diploma Kharkiv Diocese of Ukrainian Orthodox Church “For diligent work for glory of Holy Church and God-protected people”;

2018 – gratitude of Kharkiv Mayor;

2018 – diploma winner of the XX regional competition “Higher School of Kharkiv region – the best names” in the nomination “Dean of the Faculty”

2018 – gratitude of Ministry Education and Science of Ukraine;

2019 – diploma Ministry Education and Science of Ukraine;

2020 – certificate of honor Ministry Education and Science of Ukraine.

2022 – honorary badge “Excellent worker of education of Ukraine”

Publications and patents

Scientific publications: more than 180.
Patents: 9 patents.