Oleksandr Nikitenko

Oleksandr Nikitenko
Administrator of Library, PhD in Engineering Sciences, Senior Researcher
Scopus ID: 6603023430
Documents by author:51
Total citations:35
Google Scholar ID: TLALTOMAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 1976 he graduated from the Kharkiv instutut of radioelectronic specialty Electron devices.

Ph.D. – 1989.

2000-2020 – lecturer of department of Metrology and technical expertise.

Since 2020 – Administrator of Library.

Educational activity

Many courses, now teaches courses:

  • Measurement in microwave domain;
  • Electron equipments of measurement and testing systems.

Researcher activity

Research topics and projects:

  • «Development of an information-measuring complex for electromagnetic monitoring of the environment (No. 010111005127)»,
  • No. 230-6 «Electromagnetic monitoring of the environment (No. 010911002572)»,
  • «Development of methods and means of increasing the efficiency of using electromagnetic energy industrial and agro-industrial complexes (№ ДР 0103111567)»,
  • «Development of a method for obtaining, storing and using ecologically safe energy carrier on the basis of alternative energy sources (№ 010911002572)».

International activity / participation in international projects

Participant in international scientific and technical seminars, symposiums, conferences.

Has 46 publications in Science and Technology at Scopus and 14 in Web of Science.

Social activities

Member of the Board of the Association of Modern Information and Library Technologies.

Publications and patents

Has more 200 items, including 46 publications in the science campus Scopus and 14 in Web of Science. 2 patents.